I had my NT scan last Friday and good news is baby looks great - NT measurement was only 0.7mm (great results are less than 2mm, so ours were pretty much fabulous), great heartbeat, baby measuring right on track and moving all over the place.
Bad news is that not only did the Subchorionic Hematoma (SCH) not resolve, but there is now a second one. They're both small, but I was really hoping it would be gone by now and instead it multiplied. I have a follow-up ultrasound in 4 weeks to check on them and until then need to take it easy and keep my stress to a minimum. (Apparently they didn't notice the fact I have 6 kids at home!!!) I am doing my best to follow the advice and not worry too much, but it's hard. If the SCHs don't resolve it will likely mean no homebirth as I'll have an increased risk of preterm labor and placental abruption. But of course my immediate concern is miscarriage. Again though, trying to stay hopeful and relaxed! :)
Here are some pics of our little Pinocchio-Monkey Child. It changes daily but for now I am thinking BLUE! ^_^