Our friend Julie sent me 2 more pictures of Emerson from her trip to Serbia in June. This little girl is just so stinkin' cute!! ^_^
I cannot wait to brush that hair off her forehead. :)

We actually got to visit with Julie and her sister Lisa yesterday - we had a great time and boy was it incredible to meet little David; it was almost as sweet as holding Emerson ^_^
And I was so pleasantly surprised to see our raffle tip the $400 mark (ChipIn is not quite updated) - I know we can reach our $500 goal by Sunday!! Thank you so much to Katherine (in my hometown of San Diego!) for your generous donation!
When all is said and done, we will probably have fundraised close to $2000. There's no denying this adoption wouldn't be possible without the support of others. How cool is that? ^_~
(P.S. I got all of Parker's party pics uploaded last night, hopefully will have them posted today!)