We finally celebrated Dawson's 1st birthday (only 22 days late, but who's counting? ^_^) We originally planned to right after Christmas but since he was sick at the time we didn't think cake (or rather, the oodles of homemade buttercream frosting!) would go over too well with his stomach!
My parents and sister came down (they live about 2 1/2 hours north, in the foothills of the Adirondacks, where we lived for a few years before moving to Binghamton) and we also had a holiday meal of yummy lasagna!
Dawson loved his presents and especially the cake (or rather, that infamous frosting!) He is such a cutie pie, he has the best smile in the world - he just lights up the whole room. :)
I love this one, being silly with Papa - who happens to be heading south in a few days for boot camp with the Army National Guard. :( He spent 10 years in the Navy before he had enough of the long deployments away from his family, but now he wants a new adventure. It's unlikely he'll be sent to either Iraq or Afghanistan; he was a great Recruiter in the Navy and that's the position he'll be taking up again. We'll miss you Dad/Papa! :)