Although the three littlest ones and I stayed in on Halloween (Dawson and Emerson have both had yucky respiratory infections), I still had to get them dressed up for pictures. Emerson *really* disliked her little bat costume LOL. Dawson didn't mind his devil costume, though he didn't care much for the head gear, and he looked so hilarious scooting around the house on his butt with his little wings flapping behind him hehe. ^_^ Holden had the comfiest costume of all - a ghost! The older three had fun trick-or-treating just with Dad and brought home the most candy thus far in their short Halloween history.
Emerson had her ear tubes placed last Wednesday - the ENT said it was the worst case of fluid/pus build-up he's ever seen and the surgery took him the longest it has ever taken in his many years of practicing. Her ear canals are so abnormally tiny (even for a child with DS) that he almost couldn't fit the smallest instruments made into the left ear. Otherwise the surgery went smoothly. Since then things have been downhill - really puzzling for us - with a return of the teeth grinding with a vengeance, even more head banging and other self-injurous behavior than usual (including biting through the inside of her cheek with her scarily sharp new teeth leading to a thick sore that is only now just healing) and overall misery. She no longer wants to eat anything and some days we are lucky if we can get 3 jars of baby food into her. I don't even want to know how much she weighs now. She has her follow-up appointment tomorrow morning so we are anxious to find out if there are any problems to be seen or if this is just another inexplicable issue for her. In my postpartum hormonal state these issues are especially frustrating and upsetting for me, but what can you do?
Holden is doing great - he has already surpassed birthweight (I must make cream, not milk LOL) and though he still sleeps most of the time he has more periods of alertness. And he is absolutely the most gorgeous baby ever - he looks *exactly* like Macy as a newborn, including her strange and beautiful almond eyes that she inherited from my side of the family. I am so in love with this little guy, he almost makes me want to have another (*almost* LOL!) ^_~