We are all doing relatively well!
Beckett is a pretty tough baby, very fussy and hates being in the car so the two of us have been pretty much confined to the house (have I mentioned how lucky I am, having a husband that works from home so I can leave baby with him while I make preschool runs?) but he has started to calm a bit and has been treating us to some beautiful smiles and coos. We have been very spoiled with pretty easy babies up to this point - Holden was an absolute dream baby and we have found ourselves referring to Beckett as the "Anti-Holden" LOL - but we hope with time our newest little man will cheer up and be more flexible. Until then, we adapt!
It has been a rough few months with Cade; he was finally diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder (which we suspected, as I have a family history) and we are seeing a wonderful doctor and we have, with heavy hearts, started him on medication. The first one was awful and landed Cade in the ER for fainting, but the second has been amazing - he is doing well in school, getting along better with his peers and his behavior at home while still up and down is more manageable. Cade is so self-aware and is really happy with how he's feeling lately, much more steady and clear-thinking. It's been very difficult accepting and adjusting to such a diagnosis, but now that we're getting him the right treatment it's like our wonderful little guy has finally been allowed to take the stage!
The other kiddos are all doing well; Parker is such a sweet boy and doing well in school; Macy is getting ready for Kindergarten in the fall and Dawson will be starting a 2 day per week nursery school program with a one-on-one aide. We have a sweet new puppy, Nate, and are expecting a new kitten, Oliver, in about a month (as if our lives weren't crazy enough!!) and overall we're chugging along.
Looking forward to a beautiful Easter with our sweeties - here are a few new pictures!