Tuesday, August 05, 2008

good news/bad news

Well it looks like airfare is finally starting to come down significantly - at one point it was $2000 per ticket with a 3 week notice, now it's only $1200 per ticket. Hopefully the prices stay there until we're ready to buy tickets next month!

The airfare issue is more important than ever as we just found out that one of the organizations through which we were hoping to pursue a grant will not allow us to apply because we are not using an agency, but an independent facilitator. We tried to make the argument that we do have a family fund set up through Reece's Rainbow which is also a 501(c)3 organization like any agency, but the board said no. So that leaves us with only the Gift of Adoption fund and we might not find out about that until the end of September. Based on the number of applications they receive, our chances are only about 10-15% anyways, so we really can't count on receiving any help.

Our raffle is ending this coming Sunday - if you would like to buy a ticket (or more tickets!) please do so soon and help us reach our goal for Em's birthday! ^_^

I will hopefully be uploading Parker's bday pics tonight - despite some mishaps around the house that had two poor grandpas moonlighting as handymen, we had a great time! :)

And I'm so happy to say that little Emma came through her heart surgery like a trooper and is doing very well - she gives me so much hope for Emerson's heart! ^_^