Just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!! :)
The kids are all very excited for Santa's visit tonight, I'll have lots of pictures to share at some point this week!
In adoption news, we have a possible travel date of Jan 15 (we would be leaving NY on Jan 13) but we are still waiting on that final confirmation. Our facilitator is pretty sure (so we are too!) so we have gone ahead and made flight reservations. We have them on hold until next Tuesday when we either need to make the payment or lose the reservation. We are really, really, really hoping we get confirmation before then - we are booking through a humanitarian agency where we can change our tickets for a very small fee if needed, but we'd like to avoid that trouble if possible.
I can't wait to make that very special post that we are officially counting down! ^_^
P.S. Little Dasha's family has been completely overwhelmed with support - in just a few days they have raised the $2000 they were short!!! What a wonderful Christmas present, thank you to all who helped them! What a difference we can all make! ^_^