Friday, July 11, 2008

change of plans

Well after the trip to Syracuse this morning for our USCIS fingerprinting, we've decided to mail our dossier documents to Albany after all. The kids were very irritable during the 3 hour round trip and I can't imagine driving nearly twice that in one day for Albany.

I called the State Dept and they assured me it will be done in 2 to 4 business days. If they're true to their word and no one loses it (!!!) we should have it back by the week after next. We're sending it out tomorrow Priority, certified, etc. They should have it on Monday.

We were going to have it apostilled on Parker's 3rd birthday; now it will be mailed on Dad's 27th instead! Maybe it will bring us luck for a smooth, fast return!

Fingers crossed that our paper baby stays safe! :)